Rules Reference
The Trade strategy card allows players to gain trade goods and replenish commodities. This card’s initiative value is “5”.
- During the action phase, if the active player has the Trade strategy card, they can perform a strategic action to resolve that card’s primary ability. To resolve the primary ability on the Trade strategy card, the active player resolves the following effects in order:
- Step 1: The active player gains 3 trade goods.
- Step 2: The active player replenishes their commodities by taking the number of commodity tokens necessary to have an amount equal to the commodity value on their faction sheet. Then, they place those tokens in the commodity area of their faction sheet.
- A player cannot have more commodities than the commodity value printed on their faction sheet.
- Step 3: The active player chooses any number of other players. Those players use the secondary ability of this card without spending a command token.
- The chosen players must resolve the secondary ability of this card without spending a command token after the active player finishes resolving the primary ability.
- The chosen players can only use the secondary ability once, and they cannot use it by spending command tokens.
- After the active player resolves the primary ability of the Trade strategy card, each other player, beginning with the player to the left of the active player and proceeding clockwise, may spend one command token from their strategy pool to replenish their commodities.
- Say, for example, Alice is the active player, and is performing a strategic action with the Trade strategy card. To her left is Bob. To his left is Cheng, then Diego, then Esther, then Fahd. The full order of steps is:
- Alice gains three trade goods.
- Alice replenishes her commodities.
- Alice chooses players for the secondary.
- Bob may/must replenish his commodities by performing the secondary ability.
- Cheng may/must replenish her commodities by performing the secondary ability.
- Diego may/must replenish his commodities by performing the secondary ability.
- Esther may/must replenish her commodities by performing the secondary ability.
- Fahd may/must replenish his commodities by performing the secondary ability.
- If a player has their maximum number of commodities, and is instructed to replenish their commodities, they will take no commodities. However, they will still trigger any “when [this] player replenishes commodities” effects, most notably the Trade Agreement promissory note.
A deal made during a given step is non–binding if any part of it is to resolve during a later step. As such, if Alice makes a deal to chose a player with the primary ability in exchange for commodities from that player after they perform the secondary, then such a deal will be non–binding.