Rules Reference
During the strategy phase, each player chooses a strategy card to use during the round.
To resolve the strategy phase, players perform the following steps:
- Step 1: Starting with the speaker and proceeding clockwise, each player chooses one strategy card from the common play area and places it faceup in their play area.
- If there are one or more trade good tokens on a strategy card when a player chooses it, that player gains those trade goods.
- A player cannot choose a strategy card that another player has already chosen during the current strategy phase.
- When playing with three or four players, each player will choose a second strategy card. After the last player has received their first strategy card, each player chooses a second strategy card, starting with the speaker and proceeding clockwise.
- Step 2: The speaker places one trade good token from the supply on each strategy card that was not chosen.
- During a four– or eight–player game, all strategy cards will be chosen, and therefore no trade good tokens will be placed on strategy cards.
Then, players proceed to the action phase.
- If a player chooses a strategy card, but later loses it, they will keep any trade goods that were on the strategy card.