The Yin Brotherhood


  1. Indoctrination is limited to once per ground combat.
  2. If an invasion involves ground combats on multiple planets, Indoctrination may be used at the start of each of them.
  3. If the Yin player’s opponent only has mechs in the ground combat, Indoctrination cannot be used.
    1. If the Yin player is in a combat with the Naalu player, and the Naalu player is using the ability of their flagship, the Matriarch, to commit only fighters to the ground combat, Indoctrination cannot be used.
  4. If the last of a player’s ground forces in a ground combat are removed by Indoctrination, that player loses the combat immediately. They will be unable to use any “start of combat” abilities.


  1. When resolving Devotion, the Yin player chooses which ship is assigned the hit.
    1. The Yin cannot choose their own ships as targets.
    2. The targeted ship may cancel the hit with its Sustain Damage ability, if present. Other ships with the Sustain Damage ability cannot cancel the hit.
  2. The Shields Holding action card may be used to cancel the hit.
  3. If a player retreats, the Yin player will be unable to use Devotion to destroy an opponent’s ship.
  4. If the Yin player is in a combat with the N’orr player, then the two players will alternate when resolving end of combat round abilities, starting with the attacker.

Greyfire Mutagen (Promissory Note)

  1. Leader abilities, mech abilities and flagship abilities are not faction abilities.

Greyfire Mutagen Ω (Promissory Note)

  1. A player may receive Greyfire Mutagen Ω in a transaction during a ground combat. If received at the start of ground combat, that player may play it immediately.
    1. A transaction must involve the active player. As such, the defender will be unable to receive Greyfire Mutagen Ω.
    2. The active player may perform a transaction with each other player at most once per turn. As such, the active player cannot receive Greyfire Mutagen Ω more than once per turn.
    3. If the active player received Greyfire Mutagen Ω on a previous turn, they may play it and immediately perform a transaction with the Yin player to regain it. However, Greyfire Mutagen Ω cannot be played twice in one timing window. The active player cannot play Greyfire Mutagen Ω again during the same ground combat.
    4. If an invasion involves ground combat on multiple planets, Greyfire Mutagen Ω may be played at the start of each of them.

Impulse Core (Technology)

  1. When resolving Impulse Core, the Yin player’s opponent chooses which ship is assigned the hit.
  2. Effects that cancel hits, such as the Sustain Damage ability, may be used to cancel a hit produced by Impulse Core.
  3. Impulse Core will resolve before the Anti–Fighter Barrage step of a space combat. As such, any destroyed destroyers will not make an anti–fighter barrage roll.

Yin Spinner (Technology)

  1. The infantry may be placed on a planet that does not contain a unit with Production.
  2. Other effects that produce units without a unit using its Production ability will not trigger Yin Spinner.

Yin Spinner Ω (Technology)

  1. The two infantry must be placed together.
  2. Other effects that produce units without a unit using its Production ability will trigger Yin Spinner Ω.

Van Hauge (Flagship)

  1. When the Van Hauge is destroyed, it will not destroy any of the Saar player’s Floating Factories present in the system.
  2. The Van Hauge will not destroy ground forces in the system. However, each player must then remove ground forces, if necessary, from the space area of that system to meet capacity limits.
  3. As both players will have zero ships in the active system after the Van Hauge is destroyed, the combat will end in a draw.

Brother Milor (Agent)

  1. If all of a player’s ships are destroyed during combat, they may still place ships with this ability. If they do, combat will continue.
    1. If that player’s opponent has no ships remaining, that player will instead win that combat.
  2. Capacity is not checked during combat. As such a player may use Brother Milor to place fighters into a space combat where they have no spare capacity. After that combat ends, that player must remove fighters and/or ground forces to meet their capacity limit in that system.
  3. If the Yin player uses Brother Milor after the Van Hauge is destroyed during a space combat, they will win that combat.
  4. If all ships in the system are destroyed, and there are excess hits that have not been assigned to a ship, those hits will lapse, and cannot be assigned to the newly placed fighters.
    1. If a ship uses its Sustain Damage ability, and is then destroyed by a Direct Hit action card, then any remaining hits may be assigned to any placed fighters.
  5. If all ships in the system are destroyed by hits produced from a space cannon roll, the player that produced those hits may score the Turn Their Fleets to Dust secret objective before the new fighters are placed.

Brother Milor Ω (Agent)

  1. Brother Milor Ω may only be used during the action phase.
  2. If all of a player’s units are destroyed during combat, they may still place units with this ability. If they do, combat will continue.
    1. If that player’s opponent has no units remaining, that player will instead win that combat.
  3. Capacity is not checked during combat. As such a player may use Brother Milor Ω to place fighters into a space combat where they have no spare capacity. After that combat ends, that player must remove fighters and/or ground forces to meet their capacity limit in that system.
  4. If the Yin player uses Brother Milor Ω after the Van Hauge is destroyed during a space combat, they will win that combat.
  5. If all units in the combat are destroyed, and there are excess hits that have not been assigned to a unit, those hits will lapse, and cannot be assigned to the newly placed units.
    1. If a ship uses its Sustain Damage ability, and is then destroyed by a Direct Hit action card, then any remaining hits may be assigned to any placed fighters.
  6. If all ships in the system are destroyed by hits produced from a space cannon roll, the player that produced those hits may score the Turn Their Fleets to Dust secret objective before the new fighters are placed.
  7. If all ground forces on a planet are destroyed by hits produced from a bombardment roll, the player that produced those hits may score the Make an Example of Their World secret objective before the new infantry are placed.
  8. If the Yin player uses Brother Milor Ω when a unit is destroyed that is both a ground force and a ship due to some game effect, that unit’s owner may place two fighters or two infantry.
    1. If placed this way during a space combat, any newly placed infantry cannot participate. If placed this way during a ground combat, any newly placed fighters cannot participate.

Brother Omar (Commander)

  1. If the Regulated Conscription law is in play, the Yin player may produce two infantry for one resource. This will count one towards their Production limit.
  2. If a game effect instructs the Yin player to produce units without using the Production ability, they may only produce infantry if that game effect allows them to produce infantry.
  3. The Yin player may choose to produce one infantry for one resource. If they do, they may produce one additional infantry.

Brother Omar Ω (Commander)

  1. The faction abilities to unlock Brother Omar are Indoctrination or Devotion.
  2. If another player owns a faction specific unit upgrade, it cannot be chosen in order to gain the generic version of that unit upgrade by using Brother Omar.
    1. If another player has the Yin player’s Alliance promissory note, they cannot use it to research a faction specific unit upgrade.

Dannel of the Tenth — Spinner Overdrive (Hero)

  1. The Yin player may ready a planet they control containing zero infantry.

Dannel of the Tenth Ω — Quantum Dissemination Ω (Hero)

  1. A total of three infantry may be placed. These may all be placed on one planet, or placed one each on three planets, or split two/one between two planets.
  2. Only the Commit Ground Forces, Ground Combat and Establish Control steps of an invasion are resolved.
  3. The Yin player commits all infantry before resolving any combats.
    1. Only the three infantry from the Yin player’s reinforcements may be committed during the Commit Ground Forces step. Ground forces in the space area above the planets cannot be committed.
  4. The Yin player may use their Indoctrination ability and their mech’s Deploy ability.
  5. The Yin player does not activate the systems containing the planets that they are committing infantry to. As such, any effects that trigger “when/after a player activates a system” do not trigger.
  6. The Parley action card may be used on one planet when the Yin player resolves Quantum Dissemination.
    1. If the Yin player has no ships with capacity in the planet’s system, then the infantry will be removed from the board.
    2. If the Yin player does have ships with capacity in the planet’s system, then the infantry will be placed in the space area of the system. The Yin player might then need to remove infantry and/or fighters from the system to satisfy the capacity limit.

Moyin’s Ashes (Mech)

  1. A Deploy ability may only be resolved for units in a player’s reinforcements. If all four Moyin’s Ashes are already on the board, no more may be deployed.
    1. If a Moyin’s Ashes is destroyed during combat, another may be deployed in a later combat during the same invasion.
  2. The removed unit must still be an infantry.
  3. The Deploy ability has a total cost of three influence. The Yin player may exhaust a single planet with three or more influence to pay this cost.