A planet is adjacent to both the system it is in, and every system adjacent to that.
If the planet was uncontrolled, the Xxcha player explores it.
The planet is gained exhausted.
Quash, Political Favor, the Political Secret promissory note, and the Veto action card are all played in the same timing window, before the rider timing window.
If Quash is used after any Political Secret promissory notes have been played, those are immediately returned and will have no effect on the replacement agenda.
Each agenda is considered separate for the purpose of limiting each pair of players to one transaction per agenda.
Quash may be used on the replacement agenda.
Political Favor (Promissory Note)
Quash, Political Favor, the Political Secret promissory note, and the Veto action card are all played in the same timing window, before the rider timing window.
If Political Favor is used after any Political Secret promissory notes have been played, those are immediately returned and will have no effect on the replacement agenda.
If the Xxcha player has no command tokens in their strategy pool, Political Favor cannot be played.
Each agenda is considered separate for the purpose of limiting each pair of players to one transaction per agenda.
Instinct Training (Technology)
Instinct Training may cancel a Sabotage action card.
Nullification Field (Technology)
Once the Xxcha player resolves the ability of Nullification Field, the active player cannot use any “after you activate a system” abilities.
Other players, including the Xxcha player, cannot use any “after another player activates a system that…” abilities.
The active player may still use any “at the end of your turn” abilities.
Loncara Ssodu (Flagship)
During the Space Cannon Offense supstep of a tactical action, the active player resolves the Space Cannon abilities of their units first. If the Xxcha player is not the active player, and the Loncara Ssodu is destroyed by another player’s space cannon roll, it will not resolve its own Space Cannon ability.
Ggrocuto Rinn (Agent)
A planet is adjacent to both the system it is in, and every system adjacent to that.
A planet must be exhausted to be targeted by Ggrocuto Rinn.
Elder Qanoj (Commander)
A planet with zero influence may be used to cast one additional vote.
The Xxcha player may play rider action cards and vote on the same agenda.
The Xxcha player’s Political Secret promissory note will prevent them from playing action cards or using their Quash ability, but will not prevent them from voting.
If the Nekro player has the Xxcha player’s Alliance promissory note, the Nekro player may vote, without losing their ability to predict outcomes for their Galactic Threat faction ability.
Game effects may prevent the Xxcha player from casting additional votes.
Xxekir Grom — Political Data Nexus (Hero)
If the Xxcha player draws one of the Classified Document Leaks, Judicial Abolishment, Miscount Disclosed or New Constitution agendas, they will only discard it (if required) and reveal a new one if they choose to reveal that agenda.
If the Xxcha player draws the Covert Legislation agenda, they will only draw a hidden agenda if they choose to reveal it. If the Xxcha player is not the speaker, the speaker will view the hidden agenda, but the Xxcha player will not see it until it is either discarded from Quash, or resolved.
If the Xxcha player draws, reveals and resolves the Miscount Disclosed agenda, they cast one vote for an outcome of the elected law, and resolve it.
If the Xxcha player draws, reveals and resolves the Public Execution agenda, the elected player may still vote in the agenda phase following the current action phase.
When the Xxcha player chooses and reveals an agenda, they may then use their Quash ability.
After the Xxcha player chooses and reveals an agenda, they may play any rider action cards on the revealed agenda.
The Xxcha player chooses the order the two agendas are resolved.
The two agendas are revealed before either is resolved.
The Xxcha player will resolve all abilities that trigger when or after an agenda is revealed for the first agenda before revealing the second agenda.
When an agenda outcome with an immediate effect resolves, all players resolve the effect.
If an agenda would give multiple players a victory point, those players gain that victory point in initiative order, regardless of the Xxcha player’s initiative.
Other players may still perform one transaction total with the Xxcha player during this turn, if they are neighbors.
If the Representative Government law is in play, it will have no effect on the Xxcha player as they resolve Political Data Nexus.
If a third law is put into play, the Dictate Policy objective cannot be scored until the agenda phase.
The Drive the Debate objective cannot be scored while resolving Political Data Nexus.
Effects from agenda outcomes that occur “at the end of this agenda phase” are ignored.
Effects from agenda outcomes that occur “at the start of the next strategy phase” will still occur.
Xxekir Grom — Political Data Nexus Ω(Hero)
During the status phase, public and secret objectives are scored simultaneously. The Xxcha player cannot score a public objective, unlock Xxekir Grom, and then use Political Data Nexus Ω in order to score a secret objective, or vice versa.
The combined value may be spent as either influence or resources, not both, and cannot be split between the two.
If the Xxcha player owns a planet with three influence and three resources, they cannot score the Amass Wealth objective by exhausting it and spending three trade goods.
Political Data Nexus Ω only changes the spendable influence and resources. It does not change the value for any other game effect.
A space dock will not add the influence of the planet it is on to its Production value.
The influence of a planet will not increase the number of units the Xxcha player may produce when using the Integrated Economy technology.
The resources of the planets the Xxcha player controls will not contribute to unlocking Elder Qanoj.
Political Data Nexus Ω does not apply when scoring the Establish Hegemony or Hoard Raw Materials objectives.
The Xxcha player will not add the influence of a planet when they gain trade goods with the Mining Initiative action card. Other players will not add the influence when they gain trade goods from the Uprising action card if they choose to exhaust one of the Xxcha player’s planets.
The resource value of a planet will be added to its influence value when the Xxcha player casts votes during the agenda phase.
Indomitus (Mech)
During the Space Cannon Offense supstep of a tactical action, the active player resolves the Space Cannon abilities of their units first. If the Xxcha player is not the active player, and their ships are removed by another player’s space cannon roll, they must immediately remove units to meet their capacity limit. They will not resolve the Space Cannon abilities of any of their removed mechs.
During the Space Cannon Defense substep of a tactical action, only non–active players can use the Space Cannon ability of their units. The Xxcha player cannot use the Space Cannon ability of their mechs immediately after committing them to a planet against units owned by that planet’s controller.