If the Saar player gains control of multiple planets during one invasion, the trade goods are gained one at a time.
When the Saar player gains control of a planet that is not already controlled by another player, they will explore it before gaining the trade good from this ability.
If the Saar player is to gain control of multiple planets not already controlled by another player, they will gain and explore one planet and gain a trade good before gaining and exploring the next.
If the Saar player has the Naaz–Rokha player’s Alliance promissory note, and they gain control of a planet that was controlled by another player, they may explore it or gain a trade good in either order.
Ragh’s Call (Promissory Note)
Playing Ragh’s Call will prevent ground combat from occurring on that planet.
Any PDS on the planet remain. They might produce hits during the Space Cannon Defense step.
All of the Saar player’s ground forces must be placed on the same planet.
Any damaged mechs remain damaged.
Chaos Mapping (Technology)
The produced unit must be paid for.
The produced unit may move later that same turn, if the Saar player performs a tactical action.
A unit may be produced on each of the Saar player’s turns; Chaos Mapping is not exhausted.
A unit may be produced on the turn the Saar player passes.
A player may still use abilities such as action cards or Deep Space Cannon that affect the Saar player’s units located in asteroid fields.
If an asteroid field contains only non–ship units belonging to the Saar player, it may still be activated by other players.
Floating Factory (Unit)
A floating Factory does not count towards the Saar player’s fleet pool.
When a Floating Factory produces ground forces, they may be placed in the space area or on a planet they control in that system.
Hits produced by space cannon rolls cannot be assigned to a Floating Factory.
Game effects that affect ship movement, such as the Gravity Drive technology, the Flank Speed action card, the Light/Wave Deflector technology, the Antimass Deflectors technology, etc, may affect Floating Factories.
A Floating Factory moving through or out of a gravity rift must roll for removal. It will receive the +1 to its movement.
If the Saar player announces a retreat during a space combat, but all their ships are destroyed that round, any Floating Factories in that system are destroyed without retreating.
If neither player has ships in the active system after the final round of combat, the Floating Factory is not destroyed, and does not retreat.
If the Saar player has their last ship destroyed during combat by a Direct Hit action card, a Floating Factory in the system will be blockaded and destroyed, even if the Saar player produced enough hits to destroy their opponent’s remaining ships during that round of combat.
Players alternate using the Sustain Damage ability of their units, one at a time, starting with the active player, and continuing until both players decline, in a row, to use the Sustain Damage of one of their units. If both the Saar player and their opponent have a Direct Hit, then the first unit to use Sustain Damage will be the first unit that may be destroyed by a Direct Hit. If the Saar player’s unit is the last to be destroyed, and leaves no other ships in the system, then a Floating Factory in that system will not be blockaded nor destroyed.
When resolving an ability of the Construction strategy card, the Saar player must control a planet in the system they place a Floating Factory in.
If an effect allows a Floating Factory to move through a system that contains another player’s ships (such as the Light/Wave Deflectors technology), it will not be blockaded in systems it moves through.
If a Floating Factory is in a system that contains none of the Saar player’s ships, and another player moves ships into that system, the Floating Factory is immediately destroyed.
This will happen before the Space Cannon Offense step. The Floating Factory is destroyed, even if all of the other player’ ships are destroyed during this step. Additionally, the Saar player cannot use that Floating Factory to resolve a space cannon roll enabled by the Experimental Battlestation action card.
If all of the other player’s ships are removed due to a gravity rift, they will not arrive in the active system. The Floating Factory will not be destroyed.
A Floating Factory cannot count towards the Improve Infrastructure or Protect the Border objectives.
Son of Ragh (Flagship)
Captain Mendosa (Agent)
The Saar player does not decide to use this ability until after the other player has activated a system. Any deal made to use this ability before the system has been activated is non–binding.
The effect of Captain Mendosa occurs when the system is activated. The move value will be set to the chosen ship’s move value during this window.
Move value modifying effects that trigger after a system is activated, such as the Flank Speed action card or the Gravity Drive technology will not be included in Captain Mendosa’s effect.
Gravity rifts apply the +1 during movement. This modifier will not be included in Captain Mendosa’s effect.
The nebula effect of setting the move value of all ships in that system to one will be overwritten by Captain Mendosa’s effect.
Rowl Sarring (Commander)
Gurno Aggero — Armageddon Relay (Hero)
A unit is not adjacent to the system it is in.
Scavenger Zeta (Mech)
The Saar player may perform the Deploy ability or their Scavenge ability in either order. If they perform their Scavenge ability first, they may pay for the Deploy ability with the gained trade good.
When the Saar player gains control of a planet that is not already controlled by another player, they will explore it before the Deploy ability will be able to trigger.
If the Saar player gains control of multiple planets, they may deploy one Scavenger Zeta to each.