Munitions Reserves may only be triggered once per round. The Letnev player cannot spend four (or more) trade goods to get two (or more) rerolls.
If the Letnev player has zero command tokens in their fleet pool, they may still have ships on the game board. While this is the case, effects that remove command tokens from a player’s fleet pool cannot affect the Letnev player.
War Funding (Promissory Note)
A player may play War Funding when the Letnev player has zero or one trade goods. The Letnev player will lose the single trade good, if applicable, and the other effects will resolve as normal.
A player may receive War Funding in a transaction during a combat. If received at the start of a round, that player may play it immediately.
A transaction must involve the active player. As such, the defender will be unable to receive War Funding.
The active player may perform a transaction with each other player at most once per turn. As such, the active player cannot receive War Funding more than once per turn.
If the active player received War Funding on a previous turn, they may play it and immediately perform a transaction with the Letnev player to regain it. However, War Funding cannot be played twice in one timing window. The active player cannot play War Funding again until the next round of combat.
If the attacker receives War Funding after the defender has played it, the attacker cannot play it during the same round of combat.
War Funding Ω (Promissory Note)
A player may receive War Funding Ω in a transaction during a combat. If received after dice are rolled, that player may play it immediately.
A transaction must involve the active player. As such, the defender will be unable to receive War Funding Ω.
The active player may perform a transaction with each other player at most once per turn. As such, the active player cannot receive War Funding Ω more than once per turn.
If the active player received War Funding Ω on a previous turn, they may play it and immediately perform a transaction with the Letnev player to regain it. However, War Funding Ω cannot be played twice in one timing window. The active player cannot play War Funding again until the next round of combat.
If the attacker receives War Funding Ω after the defender has played it, the attacker cannot play it during the same round of combat.
A player may only reroll combat rolls with War Funding Ω. They cannot reroll anti–fighter barrage rolls and similar.
L4 Disruptors (Technology)
A player may still use the Space Cannon ability of their units against the Letnev player’s ships during the Space Cannon Offense step in this system.
Non–Euclidean Shielding (Technology)
Non–Euclidean Shielding may be applied when a Dunlain Reaper uses its Sustain damage ability.
Non–Euclidean Shielding applies whenever hits are produced. This includes hits produced by Bombardment and Space Cannon abilities.
The Letnev player must cancel two hits whenever one of their units uses its Sustain damage ability; they cannot cancel just one.
Say the Letnev player has exactly one hit produced against them remaining, and one of their units uses its Sustain damage ability to cancel it. If additional hits are produced against the Letnev player's units, such as with the Reflective Shielding action card, the Letnev player cannot retroactively use the previous use of Sustain damage to allow Non–Euclidean Shielding to cancel a second hit.
Arc Secundus (Flagship)
The Arc Secundus is not repaired at the end of combat.
The Arc Secundus only uses its repair ability during combats it is participating in.
The Arc Secundus has no effect on the Magen Defense Grid Ω technology.
Viscount Unlenn (Agent)
This ability only applies to combat rolls. It does not apply to dice rolls for a unit’s Anti–Fighter Barrage ability.
The extra dice is mandatory for the chosen unit.
Rear Admiral Farran (Commander)
If the Letnev player has more ships in a system than allowed for by their fleet pool plus Armada, they must first remove ships to meet this limit before they can unlock Rear Admiral Farran.
This effect may be applied when a Dunlain Reaper uses its Sustain damage ability.
If the Ul player has the Letnev player’s Alliance promissory note, then this effect may be applied when a Hel–Titan PDS uses its Sustain damage ability.
A unit that becomes damaged without using its Sustain Damage ability will not trigger this effect.
If multiple units use their Sustain Damage ability within a single step, the trade goods are gained one at a time.
Darktalon Treilla — Dark Matter Affinity (Hero)
The game round ends after the agenda phase (or the status phase if the custodians token is yet to be removed from Mecatol Rex).
At the end of the game round the Letnev player might need to remove ships from the board to satisfy fleet pool limits.
Dunlain Reaper (Mech)
A Deploy ability may be resolved only once per timing window. As such, the Letnev player may only place one Dunlain Reaper this way per ground combat round.
Further Dunlain Reapers may be placed in later rounds.
A Deploy ability may only be resolved for units in a player’s reinforcements. If all four Dunlain Reapers are already on the board, no Dunlain Reaper may be deployed.
If a Dunlain Reaper is destroyed during combat, then another may be deployed in a later round of the same combat.