The Empyrean


  1. This effect also applies outside the Movement step.
  2. The Empyrean player treats nebulae as nebulae and as anomalies for all other game purposes.
    1. When the Empyrean player is the defender during a space combat in a nebula, they will receive the +1 to their combat rolls.


  1. The Empyrean player does not decide to use this ability until after the other player has activated a system. Any deal made to use this ability before the system has been activated is non–binding.

Dark Whispers

Blood Pact (Promissory Note)

  1. Both players must cast at least one vote to trigger the additional votes.
    1. If either player cannot vote on an agenda, then the additional votes will not trigger for that agenda.
  2. Blood Pact has no effect while it is in a player’s hand.
  3. Blood Pact is returned when the system is activated, even if the active player will perform no hostile acts towards the Empyrean player this turn.
  4. Activating a system containing only the Empyrean player’s structures will still cause Blood Pact to be returned.
  5. If an effect other than activating a system during a tactical action places a command counter in a system with the Empyrean player’s units (for example, the primary ability of the Diplomacy strategy card), this will not cause Blood Pact to be returned.

Dark Pact (Promissory Note)

  1. A player cannot have more commodities than their commodity value.
  2. If the Empyrean player plays a player’s Trade Agreement promissory note, this will count for that player giving the Empyrean player all their commodities.
  3. The trade goods gained from Dark Pact are gained simultaneously with the commodities transacted between the two players. As a pair of players is limited to one transaction per turn (which must involve the active player) or per agenda, the two players cannot then perform a transaction for these trade goods on the same turn.
  4. As the trade goods from Dark Pact are gained simultaneously with any commodities and/or trade goods transacted, the Mentak player may only use their Pillage ability on each player once per Dark Pact transaction.
  5. Dark Pact has no effect while it is in a player’s hand.
  6. Dark Pact is returned when the system is activated, even if the active player will perform no hostile acts towards the Empyrean player this turn.
  7. Activating a system containing only the Empyrean player’s structures will still cause Dark Pact to be returned.
  8. If an effect other than activating a system during a tactical action places a command counter in a system with the Empyrean player’s units (for example, the primary ability of the Diplomacy strategy card), this will not cause Dark Pact to be returned.

Aetherstream (Technology)

  1. The Empyrean player does not decide to use this ability until after the other player has activated a system. Any deal made to use this ability before the system has been activated is non–binding.
  2. A system is not adjacent to itself. If a system with an anomaly is activated, Aetherstream will not give any ships +1 to their move value, unless that system is adjacent to another anomaly.

Voidwatch (Technology)

  1. The active player chooses which promissory note they give the Empyrean player.

Dynamo (Flagship)

  1. A unit may only use its Sustain Damage ability once in each Assign Hits step, even if it is repaired.
  2. A unit that becomes damaged without using its Sustain Damage ability will not trigger this effect.
  3. A player may play a Direct Hit action card during the same timing window as this ability. If they do so, the ship is destroyed.
  4. Each unit using its Sustain Damage ability creates a separate timing window. As such, any excess influence used to repair a ship is wasted, and cannot be used to repair a different ship.
    1. As an example, The Dark may be exhausted to repair only one ship, not two.

Acamar (Agent)

  1. Exhausting Acamar is a cost. Acamar cannot be used if it is exhausted.
  2. A system that contains a planet destroyed by the Stellar Converter relic, and no other planets, is considered to contain no planets.

Xuange (Commander)

  1. While the agenda phase and the Hacan player’s Trade Convoys promissory note allow a player to resolve transactions with all other players, they do not make that player neighbors with all other players.
  2. Any movement of ships can trigger this ability, not just movement during the Move Ships step of a tactical action.
  3. If the Empyrean player becomes neighbors with all players when the final player moves ships into a system containing one of the Empyrean player’s command tokens, Xuange will unlock, but the Empyrean player will not be able to resolve its ability from that movement.

Conservator Procyon — Multiverse Shift (Hero)

  1. The Empyrean player chooses the order of exploration.
  2. A system that contains a planet destroyed by the Stellar Converter relic, and no other planets, is considered to contain no planets. Multiverse Shift will place a frontier token in such a system.

Watcher (Mech)

  1. This effect may cancel a Sabotage action card.