Promissory Notes

For notes about a promissory notes of a specific faction, see that faction’s notes page.


  1. An Alliance must be played by the receiving player as soon as it is received. It cannot be kept secret.
    1. If the active player receives an Alliance, they cannot then attempt to trade it with another player. It must be played immediately.
  2. Alliance is returned when the system is activated, even if the active player will perform no hostile acts towards the other player this turn.
  3. If an effect other than activating a system during a tactical action places a command counter in a system with the other player’s units (for example, the primary ability of the Diplomacy strategy card), this will not cause Alliance to be returned.
  4. Activating a system containing only a player’s structures will still cause their Alliance to be returned.
  5. For notes about a commander of a specific faction, see that faction’s notes page.


  1. The active player may still use the Space Cannon ability of any units during the Space Cannon Offense step of the tactical action.
  2. If a player has units in the active system from before the tactical action in which their Ceasefire is played, those units will remain in the active system.
  3. If the active player already has units with capacity in the active system, they may transport ground forces on planets in that system into the space area of that system. Those units may then be committed to invade a planet during this tactical action.
  4. If a system containing only a player’s ground forces or structures is activated, that player may still play the active player’s Ceasefire.
  5. Ceasefire does not prevent a player from producing or placing units in the active system.

Political Secret

  1. A player may still use abilities from their faction technology, leaders, or mechs after their Political Secret has been played.
    1. If a player has had their Political Secret played, other players may still use that player’s other promissory notes.
  2. If an agenda is discarded, each Political Secret that has been played is returned. The affected players may vote on the next agenda as normal.
  3. The effect of Political Secret does not stop a player from using their passive faction ability, only the abilities that player may choose to use.

Support For The Throne

  1. A Support For The Throne must be played by the receiving player as soon as it is received. It cannot be kept secret.
    1. If the active player receives a Support For The Throne, they cannot then attempt to trade it with another player. It must be played immediately.
  2. Support For The Throne is returned when the system is activated, even if the active player will perform no hostile acts towards the other player this turn.
  3. If an effect other than activating a system during a tactical action places a command counter in a system with the other player’s units (for example, the primary ability of the Diplomacy strategy card), this will not cause Support For The Throne to be returned.
  4. Activating a system containing only a player’s structures will still cause their Support For The Throne to be returned.
  5. If two players trade their Support For The Throne to one another simultaneously, the active player will be the first to gain a victory point.
    1. During the agenda phase, the first player in speaker order will be the first to gain a victory point.

Trade Agreement

  1. If a player has their maximum number of commodities, and is instructed to replenish their commodities, they will take no commodities. However, that player’s Trade Agreement may be played.
  2. A player does not have to be neighbors with the player that plays their Trade Agreement to give them their commodities.
  3. Trade Agreement cannot be played when a player gains commodities, only when they replenish commodities.